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Satguru Ravidass Maharaj Ji's lifetime.


  • Guru Ravidass Ji as a Promising Student

  • Dead Son of Pt. Sharda Nand became Alive

  • A Brahman Boy Rescued

  • Acrobat’s Play

  • Non-acceptance of Philosopher’s Stone

  • Guru Ravidass Ji Escaped Attempt on Life

  • Floating of Pathri (Stone)

  • Disgrace of Guru Ravidass Ji Begot Leprosy

  • Display of Janjus of Four Ages

  • Meera Bai Saved

  • The Episode of Damri (Small Coin)

  • Bibi Bhanmati becomes disciple of Guru Ravidass Ji

  • Dinner of Guru Ravidass Ji at Chittorgarh

  • Freeing a She-deer from a Hunter

  • King Pipa lost Nectar

  • Freedom from the Jail of King Sikandar Lodhi

  • Reverse Flow of Ganga River

  • Blessings of Gold coins

  • A Sheikh begged for mercy

  • Jealousy of Piran Ditta Mirasi

  • Ganga Ji as a girl

  • Karma Bai Ji – the disciple of Satguru Ravidass Ji

  • Dialogue of Satguru Ravidass Ji with Alawadi King

  • Dialogue of Guru Ravidass Ji with Guru Kabir Ji and Guru Nanak Dev Ji

  • Raja Chander Partap

  • Dialogue with Gorakh Nath

  • Meeting of Guru Ravidass Ji with Sadhna Ji & Guru Ravidass Ji released from jail by Sikandar Lodhi

  • Impact of teachings of Guru Ravidass Ji on Babur

  • Udasis of Guru Ravidass Maharaj Ji

  • Sachkhand gaman of Guru Ravidass Ji

Guru Ravidass Ji as a promising student.

Pt. Sharda Nand ran his Pathshala in his house. Guru Ravidass Ji was put to his Pathshala (School) by his revered parents. Many other casteist people tried to restrain Pt. Sharda Nand from admitting in his Pathshala and teaching Ravidass Ji – a low caste boy. He was a wise man he realized from his face that the boy Ravidass Ji appeared to be a godly boy. In utter disregard of the pressure of casteist people, Pt. Sharda Nand admitted Guru Ravidass Ji and started teaching him. He was a sober and promising student. When he taught him the letters of alphabet, Guru Ravidass Ji expanded and spoke poetic lines, originating from the particular letter, signifying Glory of God.

Man re! chal(i) chatsar parhaoon

Chit(u) kagad kar(i) mas(i) nainan ri,

A-agyan chhanr(i) man moorikh,

Aa-aasan achal lagaoon.

I-ila pingla khol kivrya,

Soon(i) samadh rakhoon.

U-ur mainh ram h(i) rakhoon,

Nainan mainh basaoon.

M-mer(i) taj(i) raam naam mil(i),

Param tatt kau paoon.

R-ran raam moh(i) guru deenhau,

Nanh(i)ih(u) mantar visraoon.

Kahai Ravidass rrankaar japthin(i)

Bhau sagar(u) tar(i) jaaoon.

All this had great influence on Pt. Sharda Nand, his teacher. He realized that boy Ravidass Ji was spiritually enlightened since beginning. Although Guru Ravidass Ji was still a boy, yet Pt. Sharda Nand had developed deep regard for student Ravidass Ji.

The dead son of Pt. Sharda Nand's son became alive.

In his childhood when Guru Ravidass Jiwas studying in the Pathshala of Pt. ShardaNand, he developed friendship with his son. Theyused to play together.One day in the game of hide-and-seek, GuruRavidass Ji won and his friend lost the game.As a result, his friend was to seek hiddenRavidass Ji in his next turn. By this time nighthad fallen. It was mutually agreed that the friend(son of Pt. Sharda Nand) would play his turn of seeking Guru Ravidass Ji tomorrow in the morn-ing.In the next morning, Guru Ravidass Ji,along with other play-mates, waited for his friendfor a long time but he did not turn up. At lastGuru Ravidass Ji himself went to his residencewith other play-mates.The parents and other members of familyof friend of Guru Ravidass Ji were weeping. The neighbourers and others were also sitting in re-morse. Guru Ravidass Ji enquired as to whathad happened. He was apprised that his friend(son of Pt. Sharda Nand) had died during night.Guru Ji wondered as to why he had died with-out playing his turn of seeking Guru Ji in thegame of hide-and-seek. He wanted to see hisfriend. Pt. Sharda Nand took Guru Ravidass Jialong to the place where dead body of his sonwas lying. In a friendly tone, Guru Ravidass Ji,asked his friend that it was not the time to sleepand he should get up and play his turn of seek-ing him in the game of hide-and-seek. By virtueof spiritual powers of Guru Ravidass Ji, Hisfriend became alive. He got up and was willingto play. His parents and others were astonished.They were happy again.The parents and relatives of the friend of Guru Ji and others bowed at sacred feet of GuruJi and thanked him.

A Brahman Boy Rescued.

A Brahman boy named Ram Lal was aclose friend of Guru Ravidass Ji. For most of the time they remained together and played together. The Brahman boy did not observeuntouchability also. He loved Guru Ji very much.The Brahmans were jealous and could not toler-ate that a Brahman boy should play with an un-touchable boy. They emphatically impressedupon his parents to detract their son from mov-ing and playing with a boy of low-caste. ButRam Lal obeyed none.The Brahmans, being jealous of GuruRavidass Ji, complained to the king about thefriendship of Ram Lal (a Brahman) and GuruRavidass Ji (an untouchable). The king calledRam Lal to the court. He was decided to bekilled by throwing before a hungry lion. As such,he was thrown before a hungry lion. The lionthundered. Ram Lal cried at his high pitch andfainted. When the lion came near the boy it be-came calm. It looked around. Instead of killingthe boy it looked frightened. It saw GuruRavidass Ji sitting near and protecting Ram Lal.The lion bowed before Ram Lal and receded.Ram Lal came to senses. He got up and camestraight to his friend Guru Ravidass Ji andthanked him for his protection from the lion. The King and Brahmans felt ashamed. TheKing realised that Ram Lal has been protectedby some spiritual power. The king freed him.

Non-acceptance of the philosopher's stone (Paras).

Guru Ravidass Ji was a great saint of me-dieval Age who remained contented with his mini-mum belongings and resources of livelihood. Hepreferred to lead a poor man’s life. Many kingsand queens and other rich people were his dis-ciples but he never expected and accepted anywealthy offers. God deemed it proper to givehim a philosopher’s stone. One day God, in theguise of a saint, visited Guru Ji’s hut and of-fered him a philosopher’s stone with whosetouch iron would be converted into gold. Thesaint asked him to construct a palatial buildingwith money earned with converted gold. Suit-able boarding and lodging arrangements couldalso be made for visiting Sadhus. Guru Ji lis-tened all this. After a pause he politely refusedthe offer with the plea that he prefers to be poorand that he would serve the visiting Sadhus with his available resources. Even the repeatedoffers of the philosopher’s stone by the Godlysaint were not accepted by Guru Ji.At last the saint thought that he should leavethe philosopher’s stone in his hut and he coulduse it later. He requested Guru Ji to keep it withhim and he would collect it from him on return.Guru Ji told him to keep it in a particular place inthe hut. The saint kept that stone there.The saint came back after 13 months. Heasked for philosopher’s stone. Guru RavidassJi asked him to collect it from the place wherehe had kept. He had not used it. The saint won-dered on his tenacity of non-involvement inworldly wealth. The saint was very happy andtook away the philosopher’s stone, went out anddisappeared.Guru Ji has taught us a lesson that oneshould not be greedy. One should work hardfor earning livelihood.

Guru Ravidass Ji Escaped Attempt on Life.

Ever since his childhood, Guru Ravidass Ji had religious bent of mind. His talks were notconventional. Even his family members wereastonished at his strange actions. He was an un-daunted boy. When he became adult, he startedworshipping God like the Brahmans. He blewconch-shell, applied Tilak (mark) on foreheadwore Janju (sacred thread) and tied Dhoti (clothsheet used instead of trousers) like the Brah-mans. He vehemently condemned caste systemand untouchability. He preached equality, secu-larism, truthfulness, oneness of God and humanrights. Since his message was of universal broth-erhood, people of all shades irrespective of caste, sex or creed came to listen his sermons.His following was fast increasing. At this, theBrahmans and Piran Ditta Mirasi planned a strat-egy to kill Guru Ravidass Ji. A meeting of sev-eral young-men was to be arranged in desolateand lonely place away from the village whereGuru Ravidass Ji would also be invited. In thecourse of discussion, Guru Ravidass Ji wouldbe manhandled and killed. Guru Ji knew it be-fore hand due to his spiritual power.The meeting started at the venue. In course of discussion a group of persons caught holdof him and tried to kill him. At this juncture, byvirtue of his spiritual powers, Guru Ravidass Jicast his appearance on one Bhalla Nath. As aresult, Bhalla Nath, their companion, looked toothers as Ravidass. They killed him. After a shortwhile, Guru Ji blew conch-shell at his hut. Thekillers were astonished to hear the sound of theconch-shell. They went back to the spot of thescuffle and found that Bhalla Nath had been killedinstead of Guru Ravidass Ji. They repented andprayed Guru Ravidass Ji for forgiveness.

Floating of Pathri (Stone)

According to Hindu scriptures worship of God was the sole right of Brahmins only. Onthe contrary, Shri Guru Ravidass Ji, who belonged to Chamar caste, also started worship of God. He started blowing conch-shell and ringing the bell. He was enlightened and had realised God. He simplified mode of worship and discarded rituals. His religious discourses were most convincing and truthful. As a result, cutting across caste barriers, large number of people became his followers. All this irked the Brahmans. It was a challenge not only to their priestly supremacy but an adverse impact on their source of livelihood also. Brahmans forbade him from worshipping God. But he did not relent and took worship as his birth-right. At last Brahmans approached the then Kashi Naresh Hardev Singh and complained against Guru Ravidass Ji for practising worship of God. Guru Ravidass Ji was summoned to appear in the court of the king. Guru Ji explained in the court that worship is everybody’s right and that he is the truthful worshipper of God. The Pandit priests and Guru Ravidass Ji were asked to bring their Thakur (Idol) whom they worshipped, to the river Ganga on the appointed day. Only that party will be adjudged as the true worshipper whose Thakur floats in the river. Brahman priests and Guru Ravidass Ji arrived at Rajghat of the river Ganga as directed by the king. The Pandits had brought small Thakur stones wrapped in the cotton. But Guru Ravidass Ji was stoutly carrying a 40 kg. heavy-weight square stone on his shoulders with unshakeable confidence. A huge crowd of residents of Benaras gathered on Rajghat of river Ganga to witness the fateful and decisive event. The king and the courtiers also reached the spot. The Brahman priests who were the aggrieved party were given first turn to float their Thakur stones in the river. All the tall fleshy, head shaven, Janju (thick thread) wearing and Tilak applied Brahman priests blew conch-shells and fumbled Vedic Mantras and gently placed their Thakur stones in the river one by one. To their great dismay, all their Thakur stones gently sank downdeep into the water. All of them bowed down their heads. The onlookers were stunned to see the sinking Thakurs of Brahmans. Then was the turn of Guru Ravidass Ji. He lifted his heavy-weight stone on his shoulders. There was thaw. All eyes were focussed on Guru Ji and the stone he carried. Curiosity prevailed. It was a decisive moment. In case his stone also sinks, there will be further gloom for the lowly. Guru ji closed his eyes and stood erect. His face blushed and with all humility he prayed to God. Meri sangat poch soch din raati Mera karam kutilta janam kubhati. Raam gosaeeaa jeea ke jeewnaa Mohi naa bisaarho main jan tera. (Rahaao) Meri haro vipt jan karo subhaaieeCharn naa chhadoo sareer kall jaaiee. Kaho Ravidass pario teri saabha. Beig milho jan karu naa bilanbaa. At this moment there was dazzling light in the sky. All the onlookers expected something miraculous. Guru Ji moved ahead to the water and gently placed the stone in light-blue transparent water of the river. To great astonishment of the onlookers the stone (Pathri) floated majestically. Guru Ji gently smiled and thanked God for coming to his rescue. There was spontaneous applause from the viewers. The Pandits had failed in the test. They had been proved false worshippers. The onlookers made a mockery of the Pandits. The king announced victory to Guru Ravidass Ji as the truthful worshipper. All respectfully fell at his feet. Guru Ravidass Ji was seated in a golden palanquin and moved in a procession in the city.

The mindset of the masses was changed andthey developed regard for him and the lowly. They were blissful after having glimpses of GuruJi. A gala-function was organised after sometime in the honour of Guru Ravidas Ji to celebrate his victory. He was seated at a raised cushioned and beautiful seat decorated with jewels. All the courtiers, diwans, intelligentsia, chieftains and selected people formed the gathering. All spoke high of Guru Ravidass Ji. The king and members of his family intantly became followers of Guru Ji. At the end of the function sweets were distributed. The people touched sacred feet of Guru Ji and went back home singing his praise. This event was recorded in the annals of court in calligraphic golden letters. It was an unprecedented and eventful day for the untouchables. New glorious history was created for them on that fateful day. Truth hadcome out victorious against falsehood. False beliefs had been belied!

Disgrace of Guru Ravidass Ji Begot Leprosy

Saintly persons belong to entire mankind. They do not represent any single caste or creed. They cherish universal wellbeing and persuade humanity to follow the path of Truth and Equality. Guru Ravidass Ji was a reputed enlightened saint of medieval Age. Influenced by the truthfulness of his sacred sermons of worship of God, devotees from all castes became his disciples. After having learnt of his fame as an Emancipated saint, a wealthy Seth visited his place tohear his religious discourses. On that day GuruJi threw light on importance of human birth. It was elucidated that rare phenomenon of our birth is a result of our benevolent deeds in our previ-ous life. Dulabh janam pun phal payo The Almighty should, therefore, be wor-shipped to enlighten our this life. Other than His Name all show of rituals is false. At the end of Satsang (religious discourses) Guru Ji distributed nectar from shallow earthen pot lying near his seat. On observing it as dirty water, he threw nectar behind his head and back instead of drinking. It fell partially on his clothes and partially on the floor. The gathering dispersed. The Seth came back home. Thinking that his clothes had been spoiled and polluted by dirty water given by Guru Ravidass Ji, he took off the clothes and donated to a poor man who was suffering from leprosy.The poor man wore the clothes donated by the Seth. The clothes bore blots of nectar given by Guru Ravidass Ji to the Seth. The poor man felt soothing effect on his body as soon ashe put on the clothes. The wounds of leprosy started healing up. He started having sound sleepat night. In a short period, the poor man became completely healthy as if he had never suffered from the disease. On the other hand leprosy de-veloped on the body of the Seth. He got lot of treatment from highly qualified and experienced Vaids and Hakims but the disease continued be-coming serious. The wounds of leprosy became wet. Continuous intense pricking pain upset the psyche of the Seth and plunged him in gloom.

He sat alone and pondered as to whether the disease was due to disgrace of the saint. He went to Guru Ravidass Ji and apologized for throw-ing nectar on his earlier visit. Guru Ji forgave him. He got relief from the disease automatically within a few days. Thereafter, the entire family of the Seth became Guru Ji’s disciples.

Display of Janjus of 4 Ages

The Hindu religious books have put a baron the so-called Shudras from worshipping God. The Shudras were not allowed to wear the Janju (sacred thick thread), put mark (Tilak) on fore-head and observe other religious practices. Guru Ravidass was born to face the brunt. He started wearing Janju, put Tilak (religious mark) on fore-head and wearing Dhoti like that of Pandits. Healso observed other practices which were peculiar to the Brahmans only. All this was taken very ill by the Pandits. In the beginning they tried to impress upon Guru Ravidass Ji not to resort to the practices followed by them. But Guru Ji would not agree. He told them that they were wearing false Janju.

Aggrieved by the in transigent attitude of Guru Ravidass Ji, the Brahmans brought to the notice of the king, the religious practices fol-lowed by Ravidass Ji which are peculiar to the Brahmans only. The king was furious on the is-sue. He sent for Guru Ravidass Ji for clarifying his position. Guru Ravidasss Ji appeared in the court of the king. The Brahmans too had come in large numbers. The issue of wearing Janju (sa-cred thick thread) was discussed. Brahmans said that as per Hindu scriptures, Janju is to be worn by the Brahmans only. Ravidass being untouchable should stop wear-ing it. Guru Ravidass Ji told the king that it has falsely been written in the scriptures that non-Brahmans will not wear Janju. It is injustice with others. However, he will stop wearing Janju on one condition. The Pandits would show him what he was just going to show to the king. Guru Ji took out a Rambi (knife) and struck it into his chest making four-inch long cut. Blood blew profusely. There was a pool of blood on the floor. He pulled out four Janjus from his chest-one of gold, second of silver, third of copper and fourth of thread-signifying his wearing these Janjus in Satyuga, Treta, Duaaper and Kalyuga.This also demonstrated that the untouchables are pure, truthful and innocent. The Brahmanscut a story figure. Their faces turned pale. Un-derstanding the reality, the king fell on the feet of Guru Ji and begged apology for the harass-ment caused to him. A broad-minded Guru Ji forgave him.At the end of the event, Guru Ji told the king and the gathering that in fact Janju has no significance in attainment of God. He wore it only to demonstrate its futility and to show theright path to the Brahmans. Guru Ji took off his Janju and gave it to the king. Thereafter, he never wore any Janju as such. The pains taken by Guru Ravidass Ji to wrest human rights should not be allowed to go unfelt and unsung. It should further kindle the spirit to continue the pace. Blood flowed from his chest may energise blood of the generations to tread his foot-prints and thrill the era.

Meera Bai Saved

Meera Bai was the only child of her parents. Meera Bai was a queen of Chittor and a daughter of the king of Rajasthan. Her mother died when Meera Bai was still in her infancy. She was brought up under the custody of Duda Ji, her grandfather who was a worshipper of God. He had met Guru Ravidass Ji several times. He was under his influence. Meera Bai was also influenced by the devotional bent of mind of her grandfather. It is said that at the time of marriage of Meera Bai, Guru Ravidass Ji blessed the couple.

After her marriage, she adopted Guru Ravidass Ji as her Guru, with the consent of her husband and other elderly members of the family. Religious discourses were held daily at the open compound of 1800 ft. high Kumbh Shyam Mandir near Vijay Sitambh, Chittorgarh. These discourses had deep impact on innocent conscience of Meera Bai. In this compound, Meera used to dance in ecstasy of deep Divine devotion. She used to sing the praise of her Guru.

Guru milya Ravidass ji dini gyan ki gutki. Chot lagi nijnam hari ki mharey hivrey khatki.

By this time, Meera Bai had become a truthful devotee of Guru Ravidass Ji She had unshakeable faith in Guru Ji. She was absorbed in mediation and company of saints all the time. After the death of her father-in-law, her troubles started. Bikramjit the younger brother of her deceased husband was apprehensive and did not like her remaining aloof in meditation and company of saints. But Meera Bai did not relent.

Bikramjit got her thrown in Gambhiri river at mid-night. She glimpsed Guru Ravidass Ji in the turmoil of waves. The waves comfortably sprang her out to the bank of river. This incident confirmed purity of Meera and she felt blissful.

On another day in her intuitional devotional state of meditation, Meera Bai was talking and laughing with Guru Ravidass Ji in her room. Bikramjit apprehended that she was talking and laughing with some outsider in her room. Out of wrath he unsheathed his sword to kill her. He knocked at the door and asked her angrily to open the door open. There was no man. Room was filled with dazzling light. Meera was absorbed in meditation. This shook him. His conscience cursed him. He fainted. After some time he gained consciousness. Feeling helpless he came out.

Meera Bai faced yet another crucial test. A cushioned bed was prepared. Piercing sharp nails were studded on it. Meera Bai was asked to sit on it as it was purported to be manufactured for her comfortable sleep. She did as directed. By virtue of protection by Guru Ravidass Ji the piercing nails became flowers. She had sound sleep on the bed.

Bikramjit was still haunted by the phobia of killing Meera Bai. He chalked out a strategy to kill Meera Bai in consultation with his ministers. She was to be offered milk mixed with poison by posing it as nectar sent to her by Guru Ravidass Ji. Uda Bai, sister of Bikramjit, secretly told Meera Bai that poison in the milk is going to be offered to her posing as nectar sent to her by Guru Ravidass Ji; that she should not drink it. Meera Bai replied that if it is said to have been sent by Guru Ravidass Ji, she would drink it as nectar. Milk mixed with poison was offered to Meera Bai through Pandit Daya Ram stating that it is nectar sent by Guru Ravidass Ji and she should drink it. In meditation Guru Ravidass Ji told her that although it is poison-mixed-milk yet she should unhesitatingly drink it as nectar. Meera Bai repeated Name of Guru Ravidass Ji devotionally and carried the pot containing poisonous milk. It became nectar. She drank it and became blissful. She sang in ecstasy:

Vish ko pyala Rana Ji melio dyo mertani ne paye Kar charanamit pee gayee re, gun Gobind ra gaye.

Bikramjit Still thought of killing Meera Bai. He thought out another plan. A poisonous snake was to be sent to Meera Bai posing as garland sent by Guru Ravidass Ji for her. The snake would sting her when the pot is opened. Pot carrying poisonous cobra snake was taken to Meera Bai and she was told that it is a garland sent by Guru Ravidass Ji for her. She should wear it. She meditated Guru Ji. By spiritual power of Guru Ravidass Ji the snake became a beautiful garland. She removed disc of the pot. It was a beautiful garland. She picked it up and wore it. She was moved and sang spontaneously:

Saanp pitaro Rana Ji bhejyo, dyo mertani gal Daar Hans hans Meera kanth lagayo, yo to mhan Re nausar haar

Meera Bai thanked Guru Ravidass Ji. She was saved.

Bikramjit was now helpless. He yielded to Meera Bai and begged apology for past attempts to kill her. She forgave him. Bikramjit and members of his family developed deep regard for Guru Ravidass Ji.

Guru Ravidass Ji was a great saint. Meera Bai was his equally great disciples. Her heart beat with Guru Ji; her soul vibrated with Guru Ji. She wrote and sang profuse devotional poetry in praise of Guru Ravidass Ji. Sweet and melodious tunes of hymns of Meera Bai can be heard even today in air in the serene vicinity of Chittor. Radio and Television too sing her devotional songs as the day dawns.

The Chittaurgarh Fort

Meera regarded Guru Ravidas as her spiritual Guru. This enlightened saint was a shoemaker by caste and profession. In 15th century itself he propagated the message that caste has no meaning and its one’s own karmas that decide one’s fate.

One of the many incidents associated with him is that one morning some of his neighbors were going to take bath in the sacred Ganga and asked him also to accompany them. Guru Ravidas had promised to deliver shoes to one of his customers. So, he was not able to join them. When one of his neighbors persisted, then Guru Ravidas uttered his belief saying that: “Man changa tow kathoti mein Ganga“. That is if your heart is pious then the holy river is right in your tub and you need not go anywhere else.

There is a small chhatri in front of Meera’s temple. It has guru Ravidas’ engraved foot print. As a respect to her guru, Meera once wrote:

Guru Milyaa Raidaasji .. Deeni Gyaan ki gutki

*engraved foot prints of Satguru Ravidass Ji

Rani Jhalan Bai of Chittorgarh

Once Rani Jhalan Bai visited Benaras on pilgrimage. She paid homage at many temples. There she heard of perfection in enlightenment of Guru Ravidass Ji. She went to the place of Guru Ravidass Ji at Seer Govardhanpur, Benaras and listened his religious discourses. She was highly convinced and influenced by Guru Ji. She was so much impressed that she prayed Guru Ji to make her his disciple. Guru Ji told her to adopt some high-caste saint as Guru as she belonged to Rajput caste. But she implored and insisted to become his disciple. Seeing her truthfulness and perseverance in conviction, Guru Ji initiated her and made her his disciple. The Pandits could not bear that a Rajput queen should become disciple of a low caste saint. They complained to Raja Sangram Singh that his queen had adopted Ravidass Ji as her Guru. At this the king was annoyed with the queen. However, she talked high of Guru Ji and his enlightenment and charismatic powers that he had. After hearing this, the king also developed regard for Guru Ji and cherished to see him.

The king and queen arranged a Sat Sang (religious congregation for discourses) at Chittorgarh. Guru Ji was prayed to attend the Sat Sang as the Chief Guest. After spiritual deliberations community dinner was arranged in honour of Guru Ravidass Ji. Guru Ravidass Ji knew spiritually that Pandits would not take meals if he sits in line with them. Therefore, he preferred to sit alone in a separate room. However, when service of food was ready the Brahmans stood away and refused to sit with Guru Ravidass Ji, because they said, he belonged to low caste. When Guru Ji came to know all about it he agreed to sit alone in another room. Then the Pandits agreed to take meals. The food was served. When the Pandits began to eat food they were astonished to see that Guru Ravidass Ji was sitting on both sides of each of the Pandits. On right side, he was there and on left side he was again there. The Pandits felt ashamed and repented for their unruly behavior with Guru Ravidass Ji. They prayed Guru Ji to forgive them. They were forgiven. All of them became Guru Ji’s disciples.

The Episode of Damri (Small Coin)

Kumbh festival was held at Haridwar on the bank of the river Ganga. Pandit Ganga Ram set out to attend this festival. On the way he visited Guru Ravidass Ji at Benaras and paid homage to him. On being asked by Guru Ji he apprised him that he was going to attend Kumbh festival at Haridwar. Guru Ravidass Ji gave one Damri (small coin) to Pandit Ganga Ram with the direction that he should offer this Damri to Ganga Mata only if she accepts it by taking her hand out of water. He was amazed at the unprecedented condition. However, he took the Damri and went away to Haridwar. He thought in his mind that since time immemorial innumerable devotees have offered money, gold and silver ornaments and other precious jewels but Ganga Mata has never accepted these offers by taking out her hand. This was something impossible and unheard of. He took it very lightly.

At Har Ki Pauri, Haridwar, after taking his bath, Pandit Ganga Ram said his prayers and started his journey back home. The Pandit had forgotten to offer Damri of Guru Ravidass Ji to Ganga Mata. Soon his way back home the Pandit felt giddy and fainted and sat down. He fell asleep. He realized that he had forgotten to offer Damri to Ganga Mata. As he woke up, he immediately went back to the holy river.

Pandit Ganga Ram spoke loudly towards the river not believing that he would get any response. He uttered that Ravidass Ji has sent a Damri to her. But it is to be given only if it is accepted by taking out your hand. At this, Ganga Mata lifted her right hand out of water and accepted Damri sent by Guru Ravidass Ji, leaving the Pandit in the shock. In return, Ganga Mata gave a golden Kangan (bangle) to Pandit Ganga Ram and asked him to give it to Guru Ravidass Ji as her gift. Pandit Ganga Ram came back home and gave the Kangan to his wife instead of giving it to Guru Ravidass Ji.

After a few days, at the instance of his wife, he went to the market to sell the precious Kangan as he was in great need of money. Jeweler was astonished to see the precious Kangan. He had never seen such a bangle before. He apprehended the mischief and passed on the bangle to the king that Pandit Ganga Ram had stolen it from somewhere. The king showed the beautiful bangle to his queen. She liked it very much and insisted for one more matching kangan of same type. The Pandit was helpless. The king directed him to arrange one matching bangle, failing which he would be punished. Pandit Ganga Ram broke down and narrated the whole episode as to how he got this bangle. He requested the king and queen to accompany him to Guru Ravidass Ji for the purpose. When they reached there, Guru Ji extended a hearty welcome to them. Pandit Ganga Ram narrated the whole tale of bangle to Guru Ji and repented for the perfidious act and humbly sought forgiveness. He also implored that a matching bangle is needed by the king and the queen.

Mun changa to kathauti mein Ganga

(If mind is pure, the Ganga flows in the small earthen shallow pot).

Broad minded Guru Ji asked them to see in the earthen shallow pot. To their amazement, river Ganga was flowing and there were innumerable bangles floating in it. Guru Ji asked them to identify the matching bangle. All this shook their spirit. They were fascinated and highly impressed by the spiritual power of Guru Ji that they became his followers. They listened evening religious discourses and went back home singing the praise of Guru Ravidass Ji.

Bibi Bhanmati becomes disciple of Guru Ravidass Ji

Bibi Bhanmati of Multan (now in Pakistan) was a pious lady who remained busy in thakur pooja for major time of the day. However, she did not have any enlightenment. Her mind remained upset. Somehow, she heard of fame of Guru Ravidass Ji of being divinely enlightened saint. She was told that if she aspires for supreme spiritual bliss, she should go to Guru Ravidass Maharaj Ji and seek his blessings. Bibi Bhanmati along with her husband reached Guru Ji’s place at Benaras. They bowed at the sacred feet of Guru Ji. Incidentally, Gorakh Nath had also come to Guru Ji for goshti. Gorakh Nath tried to take away stealthily spiritual powers of Guru Ravidass Ji but he failed to shake Guru Ji. Guru Ji spared time for Bibi Bhanmati. She told Guru Ji her spiritual and mental position. Guru Ji recited following shabad:

Har(i) har(i) har(i) har(i) har(i) har(i) hare Har(i) simrat jan gaye nistar(i) tare (Rahao) Har(i) ke naam kabir ujjagar. Janam janam ke kate kagar. Nimat naamdeo doodh peeaia. Tuo jag janam sankat nahi aaya. Jan Ravidass ram rang raataa Eiou gur prasad narak nahi jataa.

When Bibi Bhanmati understood the meaning of the shabad, she was highly impressed with divine enlightenment of Guru Ji. She was moved. She humbly prayed to Guru Ji for initiation. Guru Ji blessed her and asked her to chant the Name of God as Har(i) har(i) har(i) har(i) for attainment of supreme bliss and to avoid the pains of transmigration. She became disciple of Satguru Ravidass Ji.

Freeing a She-deer from a Hunter

Long ago the area of present LEHARTARA in Benaras was a jungle. Deers and other species of animals inhabited it. Guru Ravidass Ji also used to visit this forest and mediate there in lonely place. Once a hunter laid net to catch a deer. A she-deer was entrapped; it was caught by the hunter and was to kill it. The she-deer implored the hunter that its small children are hungry and are waiting for her for feed. It will come back after feeding them. The hunter would not let it go. However, he agreed to free it against a surety. Guru Ravidass Ji incidentally listened all this. He offered to stand surely for the she-deer. In case it did not come back Guru Ji was willing to pay the price.

The she-deer was allowed to go to see its children. It fed its children and told them the tale of having been caught by the hunter and freed for a short-while on the surety of Guru Ravidass Ji. The children said, “We do not want to survive without you. We also accompany you to be killed with you.” Within the agreed time the she-deer and its children came back to Guru Ji where the hunter was also waiting.

The hunter was astonished to see the truthfulness of she-deer and thought that Guru Ji knew all the episode before hand.

The hunter repented for past killings and took a vow not to kill animals in future. The she-deer and its children were freed. The hunter fell on the feet of Guru Ji and became his follower. The she-deer and its children bowed at the sacred feet of Guru Ji and expressed their gracefulness. Thereafter, the she-deer and its children would bow to Guru Ji whenever he visited the forest.

King Pipa lost Nectar

Guru Ravidass Ji was famous for his enlightened Realisation. He had written many hymns in the praise of God. His sermons discussed in religious discourses were most convincing. His message was of universal appeal. As a result, large number of people attended his religious congregations.

King Pipa had a religious bent of mind. One day he attended Sat Sang (religious discourses) of Guru Ravidass Ji. He was highly impressed with truthful sermons. At the end of Sat Sang, Guru Ravidass Ji distributed nectar to the visitor. King Pipa thought of low caste of Guru Ji and hated water being posed as nectar. Guru Ji poured nectar on his hands to be drunk. Thinking it as polluted water he threw it down through the gap in both the hands together. As a result, nectar fell on the clothes of king Pipa. It left indelible blots on the clothes.

After reaching his home, King Pipa sent the clothes to washerman for washing. The indelible blots could not be removed. Daughter of the washerman sucked the blots for their removal. The moment she sucked the blots, she was enlightened. She could tell as to what was happening in the distant places. All this came to the notice of king Pipa. He enquired from the girl as to how she got this spiritual power. She told him that the moment she sucked blots on his clothes, she was enlightened. King Pipa repented. He realised that he had wasted nectar taking it as water of low caste saint.

He went to Guru Ravidass Ji and begged apology for throwing nectar. He prayed Guru Ji to give him the same again. Guru Ji told him that he had missed the opportunity, as the nectar was not available now. However, on his insistence, Guru Ji initiated him and made him his disciple. King Pipa worshipped God as guided by Guru Ravidass Ji. As a result of Divine devotion he became emancipated. Other members of his family and many visitors also became followers of Guru Ji.

Freedom from the Jail of King Sikandar Lodhi

Sikandar Lodhi was the ruler of Delhi. He was very cruel towards Hindus and their traditions. He even converted a large number of Hindus to Islam. The Pandits saw Guru Ravidass Ji dressed like a Hindu (Brahman) and reported it to the king. The king ordered his soldiers to put Ravidass Ji in prison and had him locked up. As usual Guru Ji was in meditational mood. It so happened that locks of the jail broke away automatically. Soldiers were amazed to see all this. Guru Ji was seen moving freely outside the jail inspite of strict supervision by the soldiers. All this was brought to the notice of king. The king realized his high-handedness and set Guru Ji free from prison. He begged apology from him. Thereafter, the king never interfered with Guru Ravidass Ji’s affairs.

Reverse Flow of Ganga River

Benaras is a sacred city inhabited on the bank of river Ganga. In Benaras it is a custom to perform last rites of the dead bodies on bank of pious river Ganga. Even from the distant places surrounding Benaras, dead bodies are brought here.

Revered father of Guru Ravidass Ji grew very old. He fell ill and died. Guru Ravidass Ji called his neighbors for performing last rites.

Guru Ravidass Ji along with his companions carried the dead body to the bank of the river where last rites of dead bodies are performed. The Brahmans forbade on the plea that water of river Ganga flows from the spot towards the main city where Brahmans take bath and they would be polluted. Guru Ji felt very much harassed. They again carried the dead boy to a distant place named Nagwa on bank of the river where Brahmans were not likely to be defiled by untouchability. The last rites were performed on dead body of revered father of Guru Ravidass Ji at that spot. They prayed peace of the departed soul. At this time due to spiritual power of Guru Ji there was thunder. Water of river Ganga flowed reverse and a strong wave sprang up towards the dead body and washed away and immersed all the mortal remains. From that moment, at this spot reverse flow of Ganga water continued. Reverse flow of river water took place due to spiritual power of Guru Ravidass Ji.

At this pious place at Nagwa, a fascinating ‘Guru Ravidass Smark and Park’ have been set up. Guru Ravidass Ghat is also proposed to be built on the bank of the river quite adjacent to the park.

Blessings of Gold coins

Guru Ravidass Ji had not accepted the God’s offer of Philosopher’s stone earlier. Once again God visited the place of Guru Ji. He told Guru Ji that large number of devotees visit him daily. There is dire need of running of free community kitchen and a good sarai accommodation for the pilgrims. It is said that a large number of devotees, kings, courtiers used to visit the place of Guru Ji. You need money for all these facilities for the followers. You will, therefore, be getting 5 gold coins daily. Thereafter, 5 gold coins were found daily at Guru’s place. A splendid Satsang Bhawan, residential accommodation and Dharamshala were constructed. Community kitchen was also run. Mandir Mehal kya bahutera Jahan tahan bhagtan ka dera. Satsang is as necessary now as it was in olden times. All of us should attend satsang and adopt sacred teachings of Guru Ravidass Ji.

A Sheikh begged for mercy

Shri Guru Ravidass Ji held religion discourses everyday. He inspired the audience to

shun discrimination on any ground. Equality and fraternity, worship of the Almighty with devotion and detachment from material belongings were the essence of his discourses. He cherished universal well-being. It was appealing to all the Hindus and Muslims alike. His fame spread all around. One Sheikh of Varanasi also heard the fame of Guru Ji. He came to the place of Guru Ravidass Ji and heard his satsang. He observed that many kings, queens and others prominent figures were also there raptly listening the satsang. He was very much impressed with Guru Ji truthful sermons having universal appeal. His many misconceptions were clarified and removed. At the end of satsang, Guru Ji distributed nectar (amrit) from his dauri (shallow earthan pot which he used for soaking leather). Its colour was brown. It was served to all those present including Sheikh. Thinking it as polluted water, he hated and threw it aside. In this process, some drops of the nectar fell on his clothes. After reaching home he took off the clothes and handed over to the maid servant for washing. The maid servant tried to wash off the blots on the clothes but these could not be removed. She put the clothes bearing blots in

mouth and sucked so that the blot was removed. When she sucked the blots, she was divinely enlightened. She started talking God and heavenly bodies. Sheikh also came to know the spiritual powers of the maid servant. He enquired from her as to how she has attained all these powers. She told him that when she sucked the blots on the clothes, she became spiritually emancipated. The Sheikh repented that he had wasted and disregarded the nectar offered to him by Guru Ravidass Ji. He felt himself sinful and disgraced. He came to Guru a few days later and begged apology for throwing nectar thinking it polluted water. All the truthful saints are kind hearted. Guru Ji forgave and told him that you have missed the opportunity. However, he was initiated and asked to chant God’s Name Har(i) Har(i) Har(i). Even now those who want to be spiritually elevated should chant God’s Name Har(i) Har(i) Har(i).

Jealousy of Piran Ditta Mirasi

Guru Ravidass Ji was well wisher of human beings. He never discriminated between anybody on any ground. He preached sat margin his religious discourses. He became famous amongst the people. People of all varnas and castes became disciples of Guru Ravidass Ji. Piran Ditta Mirasi did not like increasing fame of Guru Ji. One day Piran Ditta Mirasi called a meeting of his favourites. They planned to kill Guru Ravidass Ji. On some pretext Guru Ji was called to the Sabha. When Guru Ji arrived, some started hot talk with him. Guru Ji argued with them as to why they were talking rough with him without any reason. Some of them suddenly jumped over Guru Ji to kill him. At this Guru Ji remembered God and recited shabad:

Ram gusaaeaa jeea ke jeewnaa Moh na bisaar(u) mai jan tera (Rahaao) Meri har(u) bipit jan krhu subhaaiee Charan na chhaadao sareer kaljaaiee Kaho Ravidass parao teri sabha. Beig milhu jan karu na bilanma

As soon as Guru Ji humbly and devotionally recited above shabad there was dazzling

light in the sky. All members of the Sabha started seeing appearance of Guru Ji on all sides.

They all were confused and scared. At the same time Guru Ji was seen blowing conch-shell at

his house. Guru Ji was rescued by God. They failed in their plan. The Sabha members repented

on their action and begged apology from Guru Ji. The sacred place of occurrence of this incident

is located towards Ganga near Lotu Baba Pir at Seer Govardhanpur Varanasi.

Ganga Ji as a girl

Guru Ravidass Ji arranged a Bhandara. Ganga Ji also appeared in the shape of an unmarried girl to take part in Bhandara. Seeing her unique beauty, the king sent a message to Guru Ji that the girl be married to him. Guru Ji told all to Ganga Ji. Ganga Ji told Guru Ji that king will harass him. So let the king come for marriage. On the appointed day, the marriage procession arrived at the place of Guru Ravidass Ji. Fully adorned Ganga appeared. When she saw the king, she disappeared in the shallow earthen pot showing flowing Ganga. At this such a strong stream of water out-flowed from the pot that the entire marriage procession was drowned. Every body realised that it was Ganga Ji in the shape of girl who had come to seek blessings from Guru Ravidass Ji.

*Bhandara and feeding the poor. Bhandara means Auspicious food or gifted food. It is also known as Anna danam.

Karma Bai Ji – the disciple of Satguru Ravidass Ji

Karma Bai – the disciple of Satguru Ravidass Ji Karma Bai was divinely enlightened lady.

Karma Bai’s fame spread all around. Saints visited her place from far and near. One day a saint

said, ‘Karma ! how is it that God takes meals at your home daily.’ She told while preparing

meals chapattis, khichri for the God, I chant the sacred Name of God. When the meals

are ready, all the items are kept in proper manner and are covered with a clean cloth. The saint

told her that this is not the proper manner. She should wash wood needed as fuel, mud plaster

the kitchen, bathe and then prepare meals. From next day she started the new process. One day while observing the new process, the meals were prepared late. God had to wait. God was still busy in eating khichri, Sant Rama Nand also prayed him to take meals with him. God had to

go to Sant Rama Nand Ji immediately. He could not even cleanse khichri from his face and hands. Sant Rana Nand Ji enquired all about from the God. God told that he daily took Khichri at the house of Karma Bai. Today she was late in preparing Khichri. ‘I was still taking Khichri that

you called me’. Hearing all this, Sant Rama Nand Ji was astonished to know that God takes meals at the house of Karma Bai! The priest went to Karma Bai and enquired on to how God comes to her house daily. She told him that while preparing meals she did simran of naam on

blessings of Satguru Ravidass Ji that God takes meals at my house every day. Sant Rama Nand

requested Karma Bai to pray to God to show me His appearance. Next day she requested God to let Sant Rama Nand have His darshan. God told that Sant Rama Nand is not clean at heart; he nurtures duality. She again requested that kindly do have mercy on him and bless him with your darshan. At the instance of Karma Bai God blessed Sant Rama Nand Ji with His darshan.

Dialogue of Satguru Ravidass Ji with Alawadi King

Shri Jasbir Singh Sabar, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar has mentioned on Page 71 of his book “Bhakt Ravidass” that the dialogue being narrated is written at Page 463, 466, 487 of manuscript Sikh Reference Library Amritsar written in Samvat 1786. Alwadi was king at Benaras. The qazis were jealous of increasing popularity of Satguru Ravidass Ji. They complained to the king that a chamar is preaching religious tenets. Many persons have become his disciples. On their instigation king Alawadi called Guru Ji to his court. Guru Ji was seated beside the seat of the king. Beside several persons of Guru Ravidass’s community carrying leather on their heads also accompanied Guru Ravidass Ji. The king felt foul smell of leather. The persons carrying leather were beaten and expelled from the court yard. The king asked Guru Ravidass Ji that you were initiating others as your disciples, show some miracle. Guru Ji said that miracle has already been shown. He told that “I was worshipping God by chanting His Naam, you have seated me by your side although I am also Chamar whereas you have expelled others of my community from your darbar.”

Naagar Janan meri jaat(i) bikhiaat Chamaarun Ride raam govind gun saaran. Guru Ji told, “O! residents of Benaras I am Chamar by caste. I am seated near the seat of the king in darbar because I am worshipping God whereas my companions carrying leather had been shunted out.” Sursari salal krit baaruni re Sant jan karat nahi paann Suraa apviter nat awar jal re Sursari milat nahi hoie aann. If alcohol is prepared out of Ganga water, it is disliked. When alcohol is prepared with well water and thrown in Ganga it mixes with Ganga water. It is worshiped. Tar tar(i) apviter kar(i) maaneeaai re Jaise kaagaraa karat bichaarn Bhagat(i) bhaguot likheeaai tih(i) uoopre Poojeeai kar(i) namaskarn Leaves of TAR tree are considered impure. But when paper is prepared out of Tar leaves and God’s praise is written on this paper, every body bows before it. Meri jaat(i) kut bandhla dhor dhouwanta Nith(i) baanaarasi aas paasaa Ab bipar pardhan tih(i) karih dhanduout(i) Tere naam sarnaaie Ravidass daasaa.

I am cobbler by caste. People of my caste still carry away dead bodies around Benaras every day. Since I worship God, I am divinely emancipated. Even the distinguished pandits lay flat before me in reverence. After hearing all this, the king was highly impressed and gave gold chowki and large sums of money to Guru Ji. The qazis again complained to the king that Ravidass Ji has disregarded the offerings given to him. He had distributed entire money to the destitutes and threw gold chowki in the Ganga. The king felt angry. He again called for Guru Ravidass Ji and asked all about the gold chowki. The king insisted to return him the same gold chowki. Guru Ji took the king to the Ganga. He spoke to Ganga that his gold chowki may be given back to him. Ganga threw seven gold chowkis out in a strong wave. The king said that his is only one chowki, how it is that these are seven chowkis. Guru Ji told the king that in a single day one gold chowki has multiplied to seven chowkis. Had it remained there for more days it would have multiplied manifold. All these would have been for your comfort. Since the original gold chowki has been taken back from the Ganga, nothing will increase now. The king realised his blunder and begged apology from Guru Ravidass Ji. He bowed to the sacred feet of Guru Ravidass Ji in reverence and scolded the Qazis.

Dialogue of Guru Ravidass Ji with Guru Kabir Ji and Guru Nanak Dev Ji

Satguru Ravidass Ji used to hold religious discoursed daily at Seer Govardhanpur, Benaras. Satguru Kabir JI also held satsang daily at Kabir Chaura, Benaras. Both of them often met each other and held mutual discussions on religion, Naam, satsang, ritualism, enlightenment, saadhsangat, Hari(i), discrimination, high and low, caste system, secularism, equality, fraternity, truth, human beings and host of other topics. Shri Lekh Raj Parwana writes in his book “Sri Guru Ravidass Jeewan ate Kirtaan” that Guru Nanak Dev Ji held three counts of dialogues with Guru Ravidass Ji. Their first meeting and goshti was held at Chuharkana (Nankana Sahib) when Guru Nanak Dev Ji was still in boyhood. Five saints Kabir Ji, Ravidass Ji, Sain Ji, Peepa Ji and Dhanna Ji had travelled to Punjab for preaching religiosity. Guru Nanak Dev Ji had been given twenty rupees from his revered father Mehta Kalu Ji for a profitable deal. He spent the amount of twenty rupees in the service of the above saints and got their blessings. He deemed it as Sacha Sauda. Guru Nanak Dev Ji spiritually knew everything. He might have judged their divinity as a regard of which he served them. Father Mehta Kalu Ji scolded Guru Nanak when he learnt that the five saints belonged to low caste. Feeling it a social stigma, he slapped Guru Nanak Dev Ji and said that Guru Ravidass Ji and Guru Kabir Ji belonged to low-caste and that why had he developed his relations with them. At this Guru Nanak Dev Ji blatantly condemned jaat-paat and stoutly reacted.

Neechan andir neech jaat neecha huu at(i) neech Nanak tin ke sang saath waddyan so kya rees.

Second goshti of Guru Ravidass Ji with Guru Nanak Dev Ji took place when Guru Ravidass Ji, along with sant-mandli, visited Punjab 125 years later. They reached Sultanpur after meeting their friends, devotees, saints and disciples. The sant smagam was fixed to be held at the spot where gurdwara Sant Ghat stands today. In this sant smagam it appears the concepts of God, formless, omniscient, omnipresent, Sach Khand (abode of God), pervading everywhere in the Universe, - were discussed. The discussion held here formed the basis of the concepts of Udasian of Guru Nanak Dev Ji which are stated to have commenced from the Sant Ghat site. Third goshti of Guru Nanak Dev Ji was held with Guru Ravidass Ji and Guru Kabir Ji at Gopaldass di bagichi at Kashi where Gurdwara Guru Ka Bagh stands today. At this meeting final shape was given to entire fabric of Bhakti Andolan in the interest of human beings. A strategy was also chalked out for smooth management of the movement. In the same visit to Benaras Guru Nanak Dev Ji discussed various divine concepts with Sant Rama Nand Ji and Swami Shankracharya Ji. Thereafter, again there was general meeting of the saints. Guru Ravidass Ji was the champion on religious and spiritual reforms in the meeting. The road map of religious, social and political reforms was prepared in this sant smagam. Millions and millions of human beings engrossed in superstitions and rituals were to be freed from its quagmire and the concept of ik om (one God) was to be taken down to the masses. The ideal of Guru Ravidass Ji was to liberate millions of human beings including scholars, saints, Sidhs, brahmans from superstitions, rituals and false and misplaced beliefs and practices and to motivate them to believe in one God. It was decided in this goshti that non-violent movement should be started for amelioration of shudras and raising their social status to equality, liberation of womanhood, removal of injustice and to raise voice against the atrocities perpetrated by the kings on their subjects.

Raja Chander Partap

Raja Chander Partap of Ghazipur had heard the fame of Guru Ravidass Ji. He attended the mass feeding function (Yagg) organized by Maharana Sangha at Udaipur where Guru Ravidass Ji was also invited. At the end of the function, Raja Chander Partap humbly prayed to Satguru Ji to pay his pious visit to his palace at Ghazipur to grace the occasion of mass feeding function. Rana Sangha assured that in case Satguru Ji wished, he would escort him to Ghazipur. Satguru Ji blessed and accepted the invitation. Meera Bai and Karma Bai would also accompany Guru Ji.

On the scheduled day Guru Ji reached the palace of Raja Chander Partap. He was received

honourably by the king, his queens, courtiers and other dignitaries. He was garlanded profusely.

Guru Ji was seated in the specially decorated room in the palace. A big mass feeding function (yagg) was organized in which Guru Ji participated. All neighboring kings and relatives also attended the ceremony. Next day Guru Ji came back to his place.

Dialogue with Gorakh Nath

Gorakh Nath heard popularity of Guru Ravidass Ji. One day Gorakh Nath visited Seer Govardhanpur, Varanasi and enquired about the place of Guru Ravidass Ji. He came to the place where Guru Ji lived. Guru Ji welcomed Gorakh Nath and offered him the seat. He thanked Gorakh Nath for having visited him. Gorakh Nath told Guru Ji that he has heard his fame. As such, he had come to see him. Gorakh Nath gave his shoe to Guru Ji to be mended. Gorakh Nath said that mending shoes is a mean occupation. You should not carry it on. I give you a precious herb. Warm it and touch any metal; it will turn the metal into gold. Construct a good house in place of the hut. Guru Ji replied that he had appeared on this earth for joining the souls which are departed from the Almighty. He cut a piece of leather. Put it at a proper place on the shoe of Gorakh Nath. He put the yarn in his mouth for readying it for sewing the shoe. As the cotton thread passed through Guru Ji’s mouth, it turned into gold. Gorakh Nath was astonished to see all this. He came to know that Guru Ravidass Ji possessed supreme spiritual powers. Ignorant people misunderstand him as lowly. He wished Guru Ravidass Ji to become his disciple. Gorakh Nath asked Guru Ji to look into his toombi. Guru Ji saw that in toombi there were jewels, diamonds, and golden Sumer Parbat. Guru Ji said that you are great. I praise you. He then asked Gorakh Nath to look into his dauri ( shallow earthen pot containing water in which leather is soaked for repair of shoes). Gorakh Nath saw viraat swaroop , jarh, chetan, Asthawar, Jangam, life, 5 elements- sky, air, fire, water, earth, Kuber, Inder, other devtas, moon, sun, stars, Vishnu, Brahma, Shiv and the Universe. Gorakh Nath became numb to see all this. His pride was shaken. He prayed to Guru Ji to be apologized. He fell on Guru Ji’s feet. Guru Ji told him that ridhian sidhian are nothing before God’s Name. God’s Name is source of all comforts. Guru Ji preached that he who mingles with God, all the godly powers appear in his palm.

Meeting of Guru Ravidass Ji with Sadhna Ji & Guru Ravidass Ji released from jail by Sikandar Lodhi

Sadhna Pir used to kill birds and sell their meat in the market. On the other hand Guru Ravidass Ji preached non-killing of animals. Sadhna Ji did not like his preachings. One day he came to the place of Guru Ravidass Ji and asked him to be converted to Islam as it did not observe caste system. It is a sacred religion. Guru Ravidass Ji told Sadhna Ji to shun his pride and

chant God’s Name. Sadhna Ji was highly impressed with the arguments of Guru Ji and became

his disciple. At some other time Sadhna Ji visited King Sikandar Lodhi and spoke high of Guru Ravidass Ji and that he had become his disciple. Sikandar Lodhi was annoyed. He called Guru Ravidass Ji through Sadhna Ji. Sikandar Lodhi was a cruel king. As Guru Ravidass Ji appeared in the court he was asked to be converted to Islam but Guru Ji refused to oblige the king. At this Guru Ravidass Ji was sent to jail. He sat in Samadhi and worshipped God. God took pity on Guru Ji. He appeared before him and talked with him. When Sikandar Lodhi visited jail in the evening, he overheard voice of God. “You have troubled my worshipper. Your dynasty will be annihilated.” The king was stunned and trembled to hear all this. He went to Guru Ravidass Ji, repented and begged his apology. He was released immediately. King Sikandar Lodhi gave a word to Guru Ji that in future he will not harass any body. Sikandar Lodhi had a precious diamond. He offered it to Guru Ravidass Ji. Guru Ji refused the offer. Guru Ji told the king that he was worshipper of Diamond- the God. Har(i) so heera chhadh(i) kai karih aan kee aas,

Te nar dojak jaahige sat bhaakhai Ravidass.

Impact of teachings of Guru Ravidass Ji on Babur

As a result of his victory in Battle of Panipat in 1526 Babur was the first Mughal King who occupied throne in Delhi. He had brutally massacred lakhs of innocent bodies. However, whatever he did, he did in the name of God. During the course of advance in Indian Territory he came across pirs, saints, rishis also. He also heard of spiritual powers of Guru Ravidass Ji. Once he took his son Humayun along and went to see Guru Ravidass Ji. At that time Guru Ji was sitting at his place. Babur bowed at the feet of Guru Ji in reverence. Guru Ji scolded Babur for murdering innocent bodies. He asked him to shun pride. Kyon Babur hua babra, man mein adhik ghumaan Kroron prani maar kar, tu ne kiya paap mahaan. Therefore, Babur developed regard for Guru Ji. His teachings stunned Babur. In remorse he distributed money of his treasures at Delhi and Agra to the poor and destitute. Now the subjects developed respect for Babur and called him QALANDAR or FAQIR.

Udasis of Guru Ravidass Maharaj Ji

Guru Ravidass Ji was an institution in himself. He wanted to make amends in the social and religious system. He set out for spreading his teachings to far off places. Guru Ji travelled to distant places to spread his message. Due to discrimination the spots built in his memory have been destroyed. Today there is no remnant showing his visit to any distant place. He not only wrote amritbani but also travelled all corners of the countries, as below, to make common man understand his philosophy of removing caste system, discrimination, ignorance, illiteracy, poverty, illusion.

Udasi – 1

1. Ranipur, Malpi, Maadhopur, Bhagalpur, Naraingarh, Kalpi and Nagpur. 2. Barhanpur, Bijapur and Bhopal. 3. Chandehi, Jhansi, Toad, Bundi,Udaipur. 4. Jodhpur, Ajmer, Bombay. 5. Amarkot, Hyderabad, Kathiawar, Bombay. 6. Bombay to Karachi, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Bahawalpur. 7. Kalabagh, Kohat, Darra Khaibar, Jalalabad. 8. Jalalabad to Kafirstan, Srinagar. 9. Dalhousi to Gorakhpur, Gorakhpur to Kashi

Udasi – 2

Kashipur to Gorakhpur, Partapgarh,Shahjahanpur. Then he proceeded up to Himachal mountains. All the devotees accompanying him were asked to go back to their places. He directed that henceforth his son would initiate the disciples and that he would come back after a long time. Guru Ji was instrumental in bringing about many revolutionary reforms in society. The age old unhealthy rituals and traditions were abandoned. Large number of sinful bodies were blessed who started their fresh pious lives. When they were shown the right path even the religious hard core fanatics repented and begged apology. Many patients struggling for life and death were cured. Whosoever came to his shelter, all were emancipated and they became pious

Udasi – 3

Satguru Ravidass Ji travelled to Arabs countries also. He held dialogues with chiefs of various religions and innumerable persons were blessed with the powers he had. We find mention of various places in Guru Ji’s bani. In shabad ‘Begumpura sehar ko naon’ there is mention of Abadaan . As per mahan kosh of Bhai Kahan Singh it is a famous place in Iran. It indicates that Guru Ji visited Arab country also. He visited Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arab, Madina and Mecca and Afghanistan. In his journey to all these places large number of muslims became his disciples. Some monuments might have been erected in Guru Ji’s memory by his followers in these countries. But these could not have been maintained.

Travel to Himachal and Sirdhar Parbat

There is mention in Guru Nanak Dev Janam Sakhi that Guru Nanak Dev Ji along with Bhai Bala and Mardana visited Himachal and Sirdhar Parbat. Bhai Bala and Mardana asked Guru Nanak Dev Ji if any body else has also visited this place before them. Guru Nanak Dev Ji told them that Guru Kabir Ji and Guru Ravidass Ji have visited his place. As such Guru Ravidass Ji, visited Himachal and Sirdhar parbat also. Virtually Guru Ravidass Ji travelled entire India and Arabian countries. There is, however, utmost need of research work in travels of Guru Ji.

Sachkhand gaman of Guru Ravidass Ji

Satguru Kabir Ji, Satguru Namdev Ji, Satguru Tirlochan Ji and Satguru Dhanna Ji were asked by God to visit Satguru Ravidass Ji and convey him that he has attained supreme emancipation and that he will he called to sachkhand after 21 days. All these saints came to Guru Ji. He humbly welcomed and offered them seats. Guru Ji served them well. They told Guru Ji that God has ordained him 21 days more in this world, and they went away. Guru Ji was at Benaras. Members of his family relatives and devotees were told all about the message of God. On the 21st day Guru Ji had a bath early in the morning and meditated. He mystically chanted the pious Name of God and mingled with Him on Asarh Sakranti of Bikrami Samvat 1584 (1528 A.D.) Banaras. His followers remember him devotionally and get inspiration from his teachings. He was successful in bringing about sea change in the social and religious thought. His teachings and amritbani are as truthful and valid today as these were during his era and will continue to guide humanity in future.

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