Sant Sarwan Dass Charitable Hospital, Kathar, India.

Sant Sarwan Dass Charitable Hospital, Adda Kathar is well known to the followers of Dera
Sant Sarwan Dass Ji, innumerable people have been cured of their physical and mental ailments
by the Dwa as well as Dua i.e. through medicine and spirituality bestowed upon them by the
Saints of the Dera. This tradition has been continuing in the Dera since the life-time of Sant Sarwan Dass Ji. The successor Saints also followed this practice. To perpetuate the memory of his Guru, Sant Garib Dass Ji thought of starting a hospital. He held consultations with Sh. Beli Ram and Sh. Raj Mal for this purpose who offered to donate land for this purpose. Later Bibi Puro and Bibi Bhajno also donated their share of land. Panchayat of village Koopur also donated land for this noble cause. The foundation stone of this hospital was laid by him at Adda Kathar, Distt. Jalandhar on 20-10-1982. A humble beginning was made by starting a dispensary on 1-1-1984. With the blessings of all Gaddi-Nashin Saints of Dera Sach Khand Ballan this hospital has now assumed gigantic proportions running six specialilties and having 150 indoor beds. The hospital provides patient care by a highly qualified team of doctors in the department of General Surgery, Medicine, Eye, ENT, Pediatrics and Gynaecology. Nearly 200 patients are attended in the OPD daily. The OPD services are supported by modern diagnostic aids. For this purpose the hospital is equipped with state of the art hospital grade ultra-sound machine, a modern laboratory having auto-analysers for blood and urine tests, an X-ray machine and a computerized ECG machine etc. The hospital is known for the general surgery being performed here. Appx 200 surgical operations are performed every month. The hospital has three operation theatres, which are equipped with state of the art machines such as Laparoscope, C-Arm, Boyle’s apparatus, fully remote controlled OT tables and pulse oxymeters etc. All the sterilization needs of the OT’s and wards are met by the central horizontal autoclave. Very nominal fee is charged for the hospital services to partially meet the hospital expenditure which is approximately 1.5 crores per year. The poor patients are not charges even the nominal fee and their expenditure is met by Maharaj Ji. The management of the hospital is run through a Trust. Shri 108 Sant Niranjan Dass Ji is the Chairman of the Trust and he is assisted by a dedicated team of Trustees who always think of new ways for the improvement of hospital services & introduction of new infrastructure in the hospital.
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